Friday, November 14, 2008


Tonight is the big night...the night that has been anticipated since the summer when the tickets were purchased and the plans were made. Tonight my sister Lizzy and I are going to see New Kids on the Block (aka NKOTB)! I have seen them before, when they looked like this:

Oh, how I loved them...plastering my room with their posters, and making a scrapbook page of what my babies with Joe McIntyre would look like! *sigh*

Now we're all older, the New Kids on the Block not-so-much fitting their name anymore. These days they look like this:

A little older, some of them missing a little bit of hair...but from what I hear, these guys can still rock the house! Tomorrow Lizzy and I will be a little tired from staying up past our bedtime, and our ears might be ringing a little bit from loud music and loud fans, but we'll have some pictures to share, some stories to tell, and a new t-shirt to wear!

Until next time, keep Hangin' Tough!

1 comment:

o charm said...

i'm dying to hear about it!

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