Friday, October 24, 2008

Sick day

I really want to get sick. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. I want to get sick so that I can stay home from work for a whole day (maybe even two) and feel absolutely okay about not doing anything paying bills, no running errands, no cleaning, no going to the gym, etc. But here's the thing...I have rules about getting sick/my sick day that must be met. Here are the rules:

1) I'll be sick enough to stay home, but not SO sick that I'm completely miserable...I must be able to still enjoy sick day activities such as reading, watching T.V., eating "sick" foods, etc.

2) The sickness should not last more than a couple of days, and should be sufficiently "gone" enough when I return to work that I'm not walking around for days/weeks with the tail end of an illness lingering in my life.

3) I must be sick on a day that works for me. For example, I don't want to be sick on a weekend, because, really, being sick on a day that I'm already off of work and then being well enough to go back to work on Monday would TOTALLY defeat the purpose! Also, I don't want to be sick at a time when I'm going out of town or have some sort of fun plans (for obvious reasons)! So really, the best time for me to be sick would be on a regular old, run-of-the-mill work day.

Three little rules to be followed...I don't think that's too much to ask! So if anyone has any spare sick-but-not-too-sick germs sitting around, please be a pal and SHARE!

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