Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am a Gigi

I'm sure there are quizzes out there somewhere that you can take to figure out which "He's Just Not That Into You" girl you are. But I don't need a quiz to figure that out...I can tell you that I am largely a Gigi. I identify with Gigi because of the way she is so "desperately" trying to find someone to love her. I'm sure some people thought she was just pathetic and needed to stop trying so hard. But she makes such a good point about herself when she tells Alex that she may do a lot of stupid stuff, but she's a lot closer to finding someone than he is. And that's the point about Gigi...not that she's desperate or trying too hard, but that she is TRYING. And it's frustrating when you are a good person with a lot of love to offer, but there don't seem to be any guys who want to take a chance and see what might be down that road. Which I guess is another reason that I identified so much with Gigi...why DIDN'T those guys like her?? She is cute, stylish, fun, smart, and had so much love to give. It is a frustrating place to be. But let's hear it for the Gigis of the world who are still trying, despite the frustrating, discouraging odds, to find the love that they deserve.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I have seen A LOT of episodes of "Hannah Montana" on the Disney Channel. I actually like's clean (you don't have to worry about smutiness), and I think that Lilly and Oliver (Hannah/Miley's friends) are FUNNY! It's gotten to the point now kind of regularly where I'll turn the show on, and it turns out I have already seen the episode that's on! Hey...don't knock it 'til you try it!

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